Interview with Opensource Rust developer Orhun Parmaksız
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Interview with Opensource rust developer Orhun Parmaksız, what makes him tick? How can you get started with Open source Rust? What is the best terminal? This and a lot more.
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How did you get introduced to open source ?
I actually accidentally got into open source. I didn’t know it was open source in the beginning. I was creating some fun projects. I was just trying to like learn programming languages and ah build old cool stuff and publish it out to the world. And I was mostly just sharing those tools and other ah libraries and stuff like that on some websites and with some friends, basically.
One day, I realized I’m using GitHub a lot, so I created a GitHub account. I started pushing stuff to GitHub ah just for my own convenience ah because I needed some scripts and some other stuff that I needed to put there.
Because before that, I was just basically using my hard drive as ah and you know as a be but yeah local storage, as a backup and whatever purposes.
I just basically basically started pushing stuff to GitHub and then I realized, well, I can just contribute to other projects this way. And I just kept doing it. And then I basically started out, started my career, so to speak, as a open open source developer.
Back then, I was not really making money or like I was not really aiming to work in tech or like software as a professional. I was like, this is my hobby. I like doing this thing. And then I studied software engineering and I realized this is so so some something that I want to do and something I want to make profit from and basically started that way.
What was your like first steps into getting some cash flow from doing open source? Did you start with like a sponsorship or do you remember like first time you were like just paid to do open source?
So it’s actually a direct, like there isn’t a direct relationship between making money and open source for me at least. So what I was doing is basically creating projects and putting them on GitHub. And my my workflow was I i had one idea and I wanted to build this thing. I basically just ah work on this for months. and you know keep like keep building it. Every day, I was just spending some some time on it, researching some topic or implementing some feature. And next day, doing the same. And I was just really enjoying that. And over time, I just like created this GitHub profile, which was, ah you know I had a couple of projects which was interesting and useful ah for me and other people.
And then people started to see what I was doing, because I was also like sharing stuff on socials. That’s one of the like most important things when it comes to building your career in open source, I think. And we will talk about this more in depth, the social media stuff. But long story short, I was just like building this GitHub profile, which attracted some people. They they were like, ah hey, you’re doing some cool stuff.
you want to maybe do this project or like join our company or like join our startup or whatever. So that’s when I realized I should like focus on open source. I should just prioriti prioritize this this hobby, so to speak, to just to make my life sustainable. Because that was that was the like like the only reference.
ah for me when it comes to just showing what I can do to people. you know on like On the side, I was just doing other stuff too, like you know the studying and like learning on my own and stuff like that. But my open source work was the the biggest factor in making some money and just you know ah keep doing this thing. So there’s like a not not like a direct relationship, but like indirect relationship.
you work on some open source projects, people see those things and they want to like ah hire you basically or like they just offer you something and then that’s that’s when you’re like, okay, I should just keep doing this maybe because this is just, ah I can benefit from this and this is fun. So when that happened, I was like, okay, I’m just going to keep making this.
Did you join any open source communities in the beginning?
I was always part of ah some community, but it was like shifting a lot because my focus was not on something specific.
I was more like experimenting with different programming languages and different text stacks.
I remember some like in in the in the past, that there were some Skype groups but that was like you know programming related. ah like some i don’t know I was not a big user at Discord, so I joined Discord pretty late, but there was Skype and other forums you know and stuff like that.
ah but ah there isn’t like you know Just one, like there wasn’t something focused there. It was more like you know general programming or like ah security-related stuff going on. And that’s really helped me, I think, because ah you know you exchange ideas with people, and you’re sharing what you’re building, and they share what they’re building. You just get inspired from that and so on. so ah yeah But and I was not super active, though. like I was just there, you know not really doing much, but you know sometimes joining the conversations. so yeah
Has that shifted now? Do you feel like now you’re more active in the like the Rust community or the OSS community and it’s more like community building now?
Yeah, I would say so because I realized to make this open source career sustainable, to make this hobby into something that you can profit from, you basically need to be more visible and just share your projects and share what you’re doing.
And ah when when I realized that I was like, okay, I get to just focus on social media a bit more. I get to focus on my, I don’t know, Twitter, LinkedIn, whatever, and then be active in communities. Otherwise, you’re like doing things, but the only chance that you will meet new people through those projects is just through GitHub issues.
PRs and so on. And it’s like ah not really a good way to communicate in depth. So I was like, I got to just be active and more like in communities, in Rust communities. And this was with like this was after I realized I i wanted to focus on Rust ah solely. Before that, I was just you know all over the place, basically just experimenting and trying to like find something that I really enjoy.
And after I discovered Rust, I basically started to be more active. And over time, when you maintain like a couple of Rust projects and you kind of try to share what you’re doing, you kind of meet new people. And it’s funny because I remember like some some small meetups like online meetups they invited me and it was like you know such a such a small like not ah not a small community but like uh you know it’s not like hundreds of people were there like i don’t know 10 10 or 20 people and it was like yeah it’s a
More like seven people in a video call maybe?
Yeah, it’s it’s such a great experience. You kind of meet those people and like you keep talking with them. And it it was just the great in the beginning. It it is still great, but like you know when you’re just starting out and meeting those people, it’s it’s a different feeling.
So yeah, these days I’m trying to build communities. i I’m using and these takeaways from my experience and trying to like apply the play some of these ah principles in in my own communities and stuff like that. So yeah, I just basically like started out and everything happened very naturally. I i basically like kept building and then met new people. And here we are.
How can someone start being a career as an opensource Rust developer?
I think the primary goal should not be making making a sustainable career from this. The the goal should be just but building something useful and the side of side effect of that would be making some profits from that or just meeting people that will eventually ah help you ah to you know reach some some point where you can make this sustainable.
So ah my mindset was basically I just want to like keep building cool things and useful things and just focus on that I would say because when I started out I was like I don’t want to build something very big but
I want to build as many things as possible you know I have so many ideas so I just want to build those things and just like publish them to the world and if something happens it happens otherwise I’m just gonna keep building move on to the next thing.
The CEO of Patreon. I’ve been following him for a while. He was a music musician back then.
His name is Jack Conti. you’ve got to just focus on keep building and the perfection does not really exist.
so like do not like get caught up in in one project, but just you know finish something, quote unquote finish and just move on. So that was my mindset too. But I didn’t realize this back then though.
I was like, OK, what do I do? I have this project under my hands. I’m just going to finish it, publish it. Maybe something will happen. Maybe people will use it. And each time, since I was putting so much effort in into the these things, there were some people actually using it. And I was happy. So that that’s that was just the enough for me. But over time, you know when you keep making these, you get a liquor you reach to a certain audience or certain following and people just follow you for seeing the next thing that you’re doing or like ah for for for one of your projects or so on so it’s just a matter of time and a consistent effort I would say so yeah that’s that’s what I would suggest to people who start out just
ah focus on building cool things do not like focus on just making money straight up you know that’s not gonna work in open source especially in open source it’s like Maybe it will work for you, but I don’t think that’s healthy. That’s not a healthy way of doing open source. You’ve got to become some someone ah more more involved in the communities and ah have have the mindset ah before you can actually ah focus on making money, which Which is an interesting thing to think about because I mean money and open source is always a bit of a weird mix, but you that’s what I would say.
There is a lot of different takes on it. For example, look at the Linux Foundation, which is like a big budget nonprofit
Do you have a favorite open source license MIT, GPL?
It’s an interesting question because when I started out, everyone was like, GPL is the best, GPL2, especially because it’s the licenses license of the Linux kernel, right?
And then I was like, okay, sure. GPL3 seems like it’s a so free and open source license, so let me just use it. And then I realized There are counterarguments to that, ah what especially when I got into Rust communities.
Most of the stuff are licensed MIT plus Apache too. And when I started out, I was just like, OK, I have these GPL license tools.
And I didn’t really see any benefit of GPL because you know I’m not a huge person who has like a lot of people depending on my stuff.
I don’t have any like legal troubles with ah any of my projects yet, so ah yeah, thank you.
That good
So yet so why why not just try out MIT and Apache 2? And I actually licensed, like, re-licensed one of my projects, Gitcliffe, under MIT and Apache 2, because I had one idea where I wanted to make this thing into a product and actually sell it. But I didn’t do it. but And i don’t I don’t think I will do it. ah But yeah, i there was just that was necessary. So if you’re thinking of something like that too, like you if you want to like sell this thing or like sell a service or something like that, I think MIT and Apache 2 would be a better choice, especially in your Rust community. but Most of the crates are just MIT and Apache 2.
But GPL also on the other hand, it’s more like strict, you know, it has more limitations and so on so if you don’t want people to actually sell your stuff or like if you don’t want want people to benefit from it in other ways, I think it would be a good choice in that sense but right now I don’t have a favorite there are like a lot of other licenses that are just There are some little tweaks in there where it allows you to do certain things.
There’s another very obscure license which kind of like allows you some other like thing. ah I don’t know. There are like too many. ah But these days, I just go with like MIT as default.
But they of course, there are some questions about when you like license something under MIT, what happens if ah Big company depends on it and don’t give any credit or like contribution back what happens and so on but that’s ah that’s just some ah Drama and some like stuff that we don’t want to get into right now. I guess so yeah
t’s very taboo, especially in like enterprise and in in bigger like proprietary code basis to like depend on GPL code and we’re actually use GPL code because if you get I’d like an internal audit and you’re using a new capitalizing p.l. code is really big big no no that a lot of companies have paid paid for but when you’re starting a new open source project now do you just like MIT license like here is the base shoot it out or.
Yeah, I think these days it’s like that. And most of the people agree with that most of the time. And one thing that is interesting is you gotta be careful about your first choice of license because when you want to change it, you basically need to get approval from every everyone, every contributor.
And if that project gets big, it’s gonna be a mess. For the Git Cliff project that I mentioned, I had around 50 contributors when I wanted to change the license so I created a issue a long issue explaining my reasonings and just pining pinging everyone and just having a check checklist of everyone there so I was just expecting everyone to just comment with their approval or like disapproval whatever. Luckily I got I got an approval of everyone in a month or two. So yeah, but but it’s a pain. You’ve got to be careful is what I’m saying. But yeah, i mean i mean MIT is ah is a is my choice these days.
Yeah, I normally do everything at MIT because it’s it’s really really nice. And also, there is another one I’ve been using called the Beerware.
It’s called like beer, like yeah you’re drinking beer. And ah it’s ah something like an MIT-ish license. And it basically said that this comes with absolutely zero warranty. And if you ever like it and you see me in real life, you have to buy me a beer.
Wow, that’s that’s good. I like that. I might consider that for a meme project. Actually, that’s good one. I mean, they’re like a lot of for the meme licenses.
Like there’s this WTF something license, you know, they’re like, I don’t know, do whatever you want license and stuff like that. But beer license actually sounds really good.
It actually works(beerware license). I was at a conference and someone actually bought me a beer. I don’t know, like based on liking one of the projects that were licensed under that, but maybe you can change it to a soda if you don’t like beer or something, but it’s cool.
Yeah, I like it.
You’re a package maintainer as well. How did that history start?
Well, I was using Arch Linux, and you know I started using it, and I liked it pretty much. And at some point, I was like, OK, I want to learn more about this distro, and I want to learn about the internals and everything. Because I was just curious, and I started too many stuff to learn. And basically started reading Wiki pages, some random Wiki pages as well, and just being more active. I was using IRC, and you know I was in the IRC channels of Arch Linux.
And, I basically decided to contribute more to the project. And the most like straightforward way was creating packages. And ah there are like some there were some missing Rust packages back then. And as a as as just a user, you can use the AUR. You can just package stuff for the AUR and push there. That’s the user repository. So I was just doing that.
i’ just packaging some cool stuff in the AUR and so on. and i had one yeah I had my first Rust project released and I packaged it in AUR. I it reached out to one of the official maintainers and asked, can you just move this to official repos? and He said yes and he kind of like told me a bit about the packaging process. and That was an interesting thing for me and I just want to learn more about it.
And you know at that point, I decided to… Let me just apply for becoming an official maintainer, not just in the AUR, but I can… you know So that I can just push packages to official repos so they can be installed with Pacman. So i I decided to do that and my… My way of doing that was basically being more active in the community, IRC. And there was one online conference, Arch Linux Conference 2020. And I basically gave a talk there about packaging Rust applications. And that was my way of just the being like being more visible in the community and just meeting the other maintainers. Because to apply for becoming a package package maintainer, you need to have sponsors.
And you got to just send your application to the mailing list.
So after I did that, and after I packaged, like I don’t know, 100 or like 150 arch packages, I reached out to and some official maintainers, some Rust people, basically, and and said, hey, I want to become a package maintainer.
Do you mind sponsoring me? And they agreed.
I write my ah application, send it to the mailing list, and get accepted at the end of the day. And then after that, I basically started picking up the Rust packaging work in Arch Linux. I’ve been just doing that for three or four years now. And when some new tool is out or if there is something that I think useful, I just go ahead and package it for Arch because that’s that’s the that’s the way of just making it more available to more people. And also, you know i I need to use it. I need to package it for myself either way. So I just do that. I’m just trying to be be someone in the arch where when you say something about Rust packages, I just want to be that person. you know And it’s slowly happening, I hope. I’m just you know adopting other packages too from other maintainers.
Has there been any hurdles along the way, like packaging bugs for Arch Linux or like something that was like incompatible with the maybe the distro or like some bigger problems that you had come over?
There is one. It’s about link time optimizations in crates. So ah that some crates use the dependencies that are compiled ah it’s it with CC or like the CMake or whatever. They depend heavily on some sys crates.
Yeah, so so and when that happens and when the crate enables ah link time optimization, are our packaging setup do not work quite well.
So it kind of like errors out and with some ah with some stuff. We usually face this thing when a Rust project depends on the ring crate.
So that was one of the big ah big things. There are some workarounds that you can use the ceiling and some rust flags and stuff like that, but it’s still there, there unfortunately. So I don’t know when this will be actually resolved.
But there’s that one, which was quite big, it was affecting most of the Rust packages. Other than that, let me see. there There are some Rust Hub issues, but I don’t remember. So yeah, usually just the built build errors, also reproducibility related stuff as well, such as you know We have this reproducibility setup. So one creates the panel on something dynamic, something that changes for every build. It just breaks the reproducibility. So there are some creates we needed to patch because of that. So yeah, there are some packaging issues for sure. So yeah.
Do you have any like automated tools or scripts or like CI pipeline? to like If you find a new Rust project and you’re like, okay, I want to make an Arch package for this, like you do you throw it in some kind of in some other program or do you have some can sheets for packaging faster?
Right now, it’s actually very manual. I have some scripts for sure, but I just added to ah my NVChecker config, which is but checks for the new versions. And then I adopt one of the existing package builds and just edit that and see if it builds and so on. So it’s it’s quite manual right now.
Do you think it’s taking up a lot of of your time doing package management? Because I know like ah some people, in especially in the BSD community, they’re like, oh, I can’t i don’t have time to do package management. and There’s always new releases for the things I’ve got to do, and I’ve got to time it with the official releases of the OS. Do you think it’s very time consuming doing this?
Sometimes, but I think at the end of the day, it’s it’s worth it because you basically need something or yeah, you you got to do that either way. But yeah, I don’t i don’t know.
For me, it’s it’s a pleasant experience. I don’t really just got into a lot of packaging bugs. I just do that very occasionally, luckily, because Rust packages are not that hard to hard to deal with, if I’m being honest, you know compared to other C packages and Ninja and CMake and so on.
What are you but currently excited about in the Rust ecosystem?
I guess the new edition, a new Rust edition and of course ah each release ah has has better Rust features so that’s exciting.
For my own personal interests though let me think about it. I think I’m more interested or like more like excited about what excited to see what people built people will build built of fit for the tree which is a project that I’m maintaining with a couple of other people so I’m more excited on that side but rest obviously is ah is a is is a my It is in my interests, but yeah, I don’t know if there’s anything that I can pinpoint right now.
Is there any cool projects that’s been done with Ratatui where you’re like, wow, this is unexpected or this is like a really cool ASCII or ANSI art animation that blew your way?
Yeah, just today I saw something in the Showcase channel in Ratatui Discord. There’s one guy who who’s into synthesizers and making music.
Oh, yeah, cool.
I don’t know what’s going on in there, but like the code is not available yet. I think, but it is like visualizing and the like most of the things that you would see on like you you would need ah practically.
For controlling the synthesizer, I think. There are some cool animations like the BPM and like some things just going going right and left and so on. I don’t know what’s going on. That’s why I’m really impressed.
And then he’s at the same time playing with it and then he’s just he recorded himself playing and so also his desktop. So like I’m like, okay, what is going on here? I need to learn more about this, how and why. and Okay, cool.
So that’s really exciting for me and i want to like start getting start to ah make music again so i’m a bit like interested in seeing the the tweeze and the music crossover but other than that there are like other stuff as well like there are some games there uh you know the terminal games there are some quite cool tools and I built now this ah library called Radzilla which enables you to build websites using Rotate3. So there are like websites built with it. I saw a person build their own personal website using this library and so on. So ah yeah, i’m I’m like very excited about these things basically.
How does Ratzilla work like from a high-level perspective? Does it generate web assembly that you invoke in a HTML file? or
Yeah, so we are using WebAssembly for sure and just generating. So there are like two ways of generating this three website. First one is using the DOM elements like the spans and like pre and so on. And at the end you basically get like a 2D looking HTML output. And the other way is to use the canvas, like the HTML canvas object. And that is simply just, you know, drawing stuff onto the canvas. And everything is just the control with WebAssembly. Of course, we are just
depending on the web sys create heavily for making these things. And it’s it’s working quite well actually. And it’s it surprisingly, it wasn’t super difficult to get it working surprisingly, because ah everything is super clear in the web sys documentation. And for me as ah someone who has a backend, and like systems background, it was just something fun to work with.
Surprisingly, like I said, and and the the most annoying part part and the most painful part was I think getting getting this thing to work responsibly. But yeah, but we’ll see. There’s some missing parts there for sure.
Where in development is Ratzilla now? Can people like use it to build cool stuff? Or is it like still in beta? Or how far have you come?
I think it’s ah usable right now, but there’s some missing stuff for sure. If you want to build something static, you know, if some website with some text and some animations or like, I don’t know, ah some cool looking ASCII stuff.
That’s what I did for ah for our upcoming meetup and meetup slash community terminal collective. If you go to, it’s entirely built fit.
Ratzilla and they’re like some text and some links and that’s pretty much it like that’s that’s all the info that I wanted to show so we have this hyperlink widget that comes from Radzilla so I just use that so it works but if you are like build something more complex so something more dynamic and something I don’t want to say dynamic, but like something more interactive. and It might be missing some parts. I still haven’t looked into ah most of the things in there. So yeah.
What else are you currently working on?
Other than those, I think there was at least maintenance is taking some time. I’m working on that, I would say. What else? Let me think. So there are some Arch Linux tooling projects. There’s this ALPM project that we are doing with two other, three other people in the Arch community. This is basically a Rust like Rust libraries for for Pacman and interacting with Pacman. And this is also taking some time of mine. What else? I don’t know. There are some like maintenance tasks here and there. There are some like projects which I also maintain. you know Sometimes it’s just going to do some reviews or like implementations on on those things as well.
So it’s, I’m like, I’m always busy. I’m not complaining. ah But yeah, it is what it is.
I love the terminal. Why leave? What what terminal emulator are you using?
Yeah, so I am using multiple ones, ah actually, because for my daily work and stuff, I’m basically on alacritty.
I’ve been using that for a while now. And before that, I was using my own terminal emulator, actually, because I was just like, let me just write ah write my own. That’s an interesting project.
So I write my own terminal emitter in C. that was a That was a mistake, but whatever. And then I moved on to alacritty.
Yeah, so I was using my own terminal eliminator, and then I switched to alacritty because this was like very similar to my own config and to, I think.
That was Termit back then. And my my own term limiter was called Kermit. And Alacritty was like a similar one, also like fast faster one.
And switched to that. I’ve been using that ever since then. And for my presentations and stuff like that, because alacritty does not support images, I’m using Westerm.
Westerm has the best image support out there, and it works quite well. So I just basically like switch to Westerm when I want to present something. And sometimes I use Rio. That’s another Rust and GPU-based thermal emulator.
And this one has like shaders. And I like that because sometimes I just want to like present something in a cooler way. So I just enable some shaders in that.
And these days, I’m thinking of adding Ghosty to my stack because Ghosty has a terminal inspector mode, which which is quite helpful when you want to debug some stuff.
I’m using multiple ones, but alacrity is the is the main one, I think.
Do you have any favorite crates?
Yeah, I so there are like there are a lot of of these things, but let me just think one thing that I use these days as maybe it’s not a hitting hidden gem or anything, but we know.
Nom, the parsing library. I don’t know if you know about it, but it’s like, there’s there are a couple of parsing libraries in Rust.
I like NOM. There is like some library called Chomsky. and there There’s, what was it? Yeah, I don’t remember the name. of there’s like There’s Pest, which like uses grammars and so on. And these days, we are using Vino in this ILPM project, Arch Linux tooling project. And Vino is like a pretty good parsing library, I would say. We use this for parsing some arbitrary file formats. And I looked at it.
I attended a talk about cooking parsers with nom, you know and it’s like it’s like amazingly well and I like it the the documentation it’s it’s a bit like not like it needs some examples for sure but you can just read it like go through the chapters and you’ll get an idea of how this works. So I think we know is a good one and I’m still learning about it. I’m still trying it out and so on. So yeah, I would say we know.
You’re also maintaining a tool called GPGTUI?
Yeah, so this was necessary for my GPG and GNUPG adventures when ah when I decided to ah become a package maintainer for Arch.
Because in Arch Linux, we use like GPG keys.
I just wanted to like visualize the signatures, and how many keys I have, which ones are secret, and who signed them, and so on. So I created this TUI using not for the TUI, because that back then there was no TUI. This was TUI RS. And I used that to build this GPG TUI thing. And it was just basically for visualizing my key ring and, or is it called Keychain? I don’t know.
You can also do some operations such as exporting them or generating a new key, signing other keys, and so on. And it was it turned out pretty useful for me because ah Basically, like the one fun thing to do is give the Arch Linux key ring, like the system key ring to GPG 3.
It will give you like a bunch of keys in a list and you can like see the relationships between the keys and who signed which key and and so on.
And like when it expires and when when something happens and so on. and So whenever I want to do something related to my keys, I just go to GPGTUI and it just usually just one key press. And yeah, that’s very convenient for me. So that’s why I created. So yeah.
You’re also doing like streaming and you’re doing social media. and Can you talk a bit about that?
Yeah, the reason why I started live streaming is because I want to show people my workflow and show how I work and what I’m doing basically ah because I think that’s like the the the best way of just showing you know showing why people should sponsor me basically because otherwise you know i’m i’m doing some things ah behind closed doors and nobody knows what i’m doing and stuff like that i just want it to be more open so i’m trying to like stream kind of frequently like i usually take one day off between streams and I try to stream when there’s something that I can work on and something fun and you know I just press go live and just do the usual stuff that I do ah Except that I’m talking with the but the people we joined.
And sometimes they’re like fun conversations or like sometimes I learned something new. The other day I was trying to learn Holy-C programming language.
It’s the Temple Os. He’s an interesting character, Terry.
I basically installed Temple OS and I was running Temple OS and there was one one little program that I wanted to write in HolySee.
It was like a very simple benchmarking program. And I was just basically like streaming Temple OS and there was one guy in the chat and he helped me a lot implementing this.
How was Holy-C?
Well, there there isn’t a compiler for HolyC. There isn’t something that you can install and use in Linux, at least. That was an issue. So I looked at it at the different compilers, which was just you know the custom compilers, not just the original compiler for HolyC, because that belongs to Templo OS. So it was quite hard to and set a development setup.
Then I realized there isn’t such thing as a development setup you just got to use temple OS to write holy see and then I just like used chemo to run the holy see image and at that point it was just a surreal experience because of all the ah stuff going on in the OS and like all the games and flashing things and unclickable stuff and clickable stuff and like sprites in the command line and stuff. That that was just very interesting. But when it comes to writing the actual code,
The editor is a bit weird. I actually pulled up some of the Terry’s old videos about how to use the editor because like, it’s like, you know, you got to press alt to save or something.
What does the future hold? Do you have any any talks that you are going to give in the future? Any meetups you’re excited about? Any new crates coming out? like what What does the future hold?
I’m going to be pretty active this year in terms of conferences and events, I hope. And there is one in Poland next month.
And also, there’s Rust Meet and Rust Asia next month. So I’m going to go there.
There will be a workshop, something like a hackathon maybe in both of those.
And there I will be giving a talk as well. And like i have ah I have some other ones planned, but not certain. So basically trying to go to conferences and teach people Rust and Ratatui.
Also, trying to improve what I already have, Ratzilla to be specific, and the other projects. So just doing whatever I do always, and just the grinding, basically. that’s ah That’s the goal. And yeah, if you just you know follow me, you you’ll probably just see what I’m doing. But yeah, that’s the rough summary.
What is the best way to stay up to date with you??
I think socials mastodon or a blue sky, twitter, linkedin too if you’re using linkedin and i am also active in discord channels like like you know rotatory server or Any other server that we are both in, I’m probably active there. So those are good options. Also, YouTube is another good one. I’m trying to post stuff there. I’m posting like shorts of my live streams. And sometimes I just you know create shorts about what I’m planning to do or what I’m doing or stuff like that. So that’s another good way, I would say.
Is there anything else like you would like to mention about like working with open source or life as an open source developer? Is there anything like unusual with it that you didn’t think yeah that you had to learn along the way? or
yeah i think Yeah, you just got to take your time with it, I would say, and try to build the the the best thing that you can build. And over time, it will just pay off, I would say. Because for me, that was it was like that. i I didn’t know what I was doing in the beginning.
It was like a risky decision to ah go full on open source because, you dont know, what will happen.
Like there’s so many uncertainties, but I guess you got to just make sure of yourself and keep building and take your time and don’t, don’t get into the perfection mindset.
Just move on when you finish something and keep building.
That is awesome, great advice.
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